30 października 2020

Nauczyciel a edukacja inkluzyjna oraz materiały Międzynarodowego Instytutu Badań Edukacyjnych UNESCO w Genewie

Polecam w ramach studiów na odległość materiał filmowy Instytutu UNESCO w Genewie. Można połączyć kształcenie językowe z pedagogiką specjalną, społeczną i porównawczą.
Meet Srei and start planning for inclusive education

Srei's story shows why she faced exclusion in the classroom. Read more about what IIEP and UNICEF are doing to advance planning for disability-inclusive education.

Międzynarodowy Instytut Badań Edukacyjnmych działający pod patronatem UNESCO udostępnia aplikację z materiałami o zróżnicowanym zakresie komparatystycznej wiedzy. Świat staje się nam dzięki temu coraz bliższy.

The Policy Toolbox is an online catalogue of more than 500 education policy options, sourced from over 900 papers and reports, that address the bottlenecks of educational inequality. It has been developed by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) to contribute to the use of evidence for informed policy- and decision-making. These policy options address 49 key educational challenges and include customized content related to marginalized populations. The policy options (and their bibliographic references) are designed to guide policy responses to issues related to student completion, student learning, and equity and inclusion.

The Policy Toolbox was developed out of an IIEP technical cooperation project, the Policy Tree, an offline, PowerPoint application that allows a group of education planners, managers, and stakeholders to engage in constructive dialogue around challenges identified in an education sector analysis (ESA), in order to prioritize issues to include in the education sector plan (ESP) design. The work done using the Policy Tree, typically facilitated by IIEP staff, culminates in the production of a memo, which captures the different pathways identified from issue to bottlenecks, and documents the discussions, data sources and knowledge gaps that will inform policy. The memo also summarizes the different policy options extracted from the Policy Toolbox.

The Policy Toolbox can be searched in two ways: using the interactive search bar, or by navigating the three thematic areas Access & Completion, Learning Process, and Equity & Inclusion.

A tool based on a solid methodology

The development of the Policy Toolbox platform is based on the methodological approach of the "Policy Tree", an innovative instrument used in the technical support activities of IIEP and its partners. Through decision trees, this cooperation tool (not accessible online) enables those involved in education reforms to structure discussions in order to define priorities for the development of an education sector plan. A large part of this tool is now accessible to as many people as possible through the Toolbox.

Evidence and meta-analyses to inform decision-making

Designed as a global public good, this searchable catalogue helps to identify, for each major challenge, the policies that have been tried and tested internationally, but also those that offer temporary, short-term solutions. Each option described in the Toolbox is accompanied by free accessible online references, mainly from institutional literature. In addition, specific information on marginalized populations is provided.

Depending on their national issues, which are usually identified in the preliminary sector analysis phase, policy-makers and their technical staff in the ministries will then be able to examine the effective options to be considered and confront them with their national context and constraints.
Around fifty common challenges

For its launch, the Policy Toolbox covers 49 major themes classified under three main areas: Access and completion,
Learning processes,
Equity and inclusion.

Developed as a collaborative tool, the platform will be updated and enriched over time. On each page, users are invited to react to the content, point out new resources or suggest changes. Eventually, the Policy Toolbox could extend its scope to other IIEP fields of intervention, such as technical and vocational education and training, school mapping, higher education, or crisis-sensitive planning.